B1S3 - Listening 1

Phill: Hello, Sarah! Are you doing the English homework?

Sarah: Hi! Yes, I’m about to finish. Who is your favorite person for homework?

Phill: There are a lot of people who I admired, but I chose my brother. He is in the Army.

Sarah: You must be very proud of him.

Phill: I am. And what about your homework?

Sarah: I am talking about my father. He is an architect, and some day I want to become an architect, too.

Phill: Awesome! And what does he do in his job?

Sarah: He designs houses and buildings. When he works, he tries to construct a comfortable ambiance for people and at the same time he has an eco-friendly style that makes his work a lot more interesting.

Phill: That is very important nowadays. How much time does he take to design a house?

Sarah: Well, it depends on what his clients want. First, he must prepare the blueprints and shows them to the people. If they agree with the design, or make the necessary changes, then my father contracts some workers to build it. He supervises the entire construction.

Phill: That’s a lot of work to do. After the house is finished, he has to decorate it, am I right?

Sarah: Yes, his work also involves decoration and functionality of every part of the house.

Phill: I’m sure he enjoys working a lot. It was nice talking to you, Sarah, but I have to go to school now.

Sarah: Okay, see you later then! Bye!