B5S2 - Podcast

Wendy Campbell: Hi, this is Wendy Campbell, and this podcast will be dedicated to one simple question: How could endangered species have survived? Scientists believe that mass extinction is happening nowadays, and it’s mainly caused by human activity. Since the early 1900s, approximately 543 species have gone extinct. Other experts say these numbers may be higher. But as extinction draws a powerful line between action and apathy, pro-animal rights organizations worldwide have met the challenge of saving as many species as possible, stating that there could have been more species saved if it hadn’t been for overexploitation of them. For instance, many animals have disappeared due to uncontrolled hunting. Some examples of saved species are the blue whale, the sea otter, and tigers. All of these were hunted for many decades until they became protected by international laws. If it weren’t for international organizations, they might have become extinct. A study made by environmentalists in 2020 predicts that more than one- fifth of all species will be threatened with extinction by the middle of this century. What could we do to stop this massive disappearance?