B5S1 - Listening 1

Elsa: Hello, Amanda! How are you?

Amanda: Hi, Elsa! I’m fine, thanks. Are you coming home from work?

Elsa: Yes, I feel very tired. I just want to get home and put on my comfy slippers.

Amanda: I get it. I usually prepare an ice-cold lemon tea after a long day at the office. It helps me to relax.

Elsa: That sounds good. In my case, I always organize my home, so it doesn't look messy. That's what I find relaxing.

Amanda: My sister helps me with some house chores. That gives me time to prepare our meals for the next day.

Elsa: I do that, too. I prefer to prepare lunch by myself instead of buying something on my way to the office.

Amanda: What do you do after cleaning and organizing your house?

Elsa: Well, sometimes I read a magazine or listen to a podcast. What do you do to clear your mind from work?

Amanda: I also take a ten-minute walk in the park when I feel very stressed.

Elsa: I've heard that it really helps a lot. I'll try to work out a little bit more, but right now I should go home and see if my daughter finished her homework.

Amanda: Sure! I hope you have a good evening.

Elsa: Thank you! See you soon!

Amanda: Bye!