B3S2 - Listening 2

Camila: Hi, Samuel! What are you reading?

Samuel: Hello! It’s an article that tells about having a healthy memory.

Camila: Really? What is it about? I’ve been forgetting some things lately.

Samuel: Well, it gives some advice to keep our memory in good condition.

Camila: Oh, I’d like to know more about them.

Samuel: The first thing they suggest is to get some fish oil supplement.

Camila: That’s true. Omega-3 oils are great. I’ve seen some vitamins that include them. What else?

Samuel: It says that some studies have shown that meditation, and getting enough sleep help us improve our memory.

Camila: That sounds easy and very relaxing. Yoga is good for that, too.

Samuel: Exactly! Well, the point is that to protect our brain and memory we need to avoid stress and anxiety.

Camila: Have you heard about mindfulness? Does it tell something about it?

Samuel: Yes, mindfulness is a combination of different techniques that help us to be relaxed and calmed. Experts say it is really helpful.

Camila: I haven’t tried it, but I’d like to. Have you tried it?

Samuel: No, but we should get more information about it and see if it works.

Camila: Sure! Let’s see what we find.